Upset couple sitting separately as they consider separating divorce lawyers perth

The media has been reporting that couples have found the Covid-19 impact hard on their relationships.  Others might have found that there has been an improvement in some ways, because they have endured unexpected challenges together.   In Western Australia at least, we seem to be coming out the other side.

Pandemic or no pandemic, you might be unsure about whether your relationship is “good enough”. 

As family lawyers, we often see clients who did not see separation coming.  When that happens without any warning, that can be most devastating.

Other clients come for legal advice before they have separated, when they are still living “under the same roof”. In those circumstances we can help at the front end and give advice that can potentially benefit everyone involved, while our first duty is to our client.

Separating does not increase what you have to share between you.  In fact, assets can be depleted because costs which were previously shared such as mortgage payments or rent and utility bills, are now payable for two residences. However, if you can reach an “amicable” settlement you will spend the money that has to be spent to sort things out and no more.

Only you can decide if you should stay in a relationship.  Despite what is said sometimes in the media about people not regarding their marriage vows with the seriousness that they were taken in the past, our experience is that none of our clients have come to consider ending their relationship lightly. 

Usually by the time a client decides to see a lawyer they have spent time beforehand deciding that this is what they must do. 

A useful book that is readily available that a person unsure about their relationship might find useful to read (and there are others) is Too Good to Leave Too Bad to Stay by Mira Kirstenbaum.  It was published some years ago and is a little dated but many people say they have found the approach that it provides to be useful.  Reading a “self-help” book can be invaluable, but it is not a substitute for professional help about relationships.

If you are ready to take the step but still unsure, getting professional advice, concerning your relationship and also legal advice, is likely to be very much in your interests.   

At Bowen Buchbinder Vilensky a first appointment without any obligation to proceed further costs $440 including GST. 


If you would like advice in this area please contact Rhonda Griffiths at 

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