The Australian Financial Review recently reported (8-9 May 2021) that parents are now among the nations’ top 10 lenders for home loans with data showing more than 60% of first home buyers are receiving assistance from their parents to purchase their first home.
Unsurprisingly with the world in the middle of a pandemic and the economy in recession, now more than ever, children are turning to their parents for financial assistance. It is incredibly important that prior to parents providing financial assistance to children, parents must first be clear on whether the assistance is to take the form of a gift or loan.
The distinction between the financial assistance provided being a gift or loan becomes incredibly important in the following scenarios:
- the child’s relationship breaks down and their spouse alleges that the financial assistance was a gift rather than a loan;
- the parents pass away and their Executor is left to determine whether or not the financial assistance is to be repaid to the Estate;
- a sibling makes a claim for further provision from the parents’ Estate on the basis that the child has already received financial assistance during their lifetime;
- the child becomes bankrupt and the trustee in bankruptcy classes the financial assistance as an asset as opposed to a liability;
- the relationship between the parents and child breaks down;
- the parents are receiving a Centrelink pension which may be affected by providing the financial assistance to the child.
In the above scenarios, it is generally the parents or their Executor who bear the onus of proving that the financial assistance was a loan rather than a gift. Often the only written evidence available is the bank transfer, with the only other evidence being verbal communications resulting in a “he said, she said” argument.
Disputes of this nature can so easily be avoided by first consulting with a Solicitor to create a paper trail and have a properly prepared and executed loan agreement in place.
If you or someone you know of are considering providing financial assistance to a child or any other person, please contact our office to make an appointment to meet with one of our experienced Solicitors. We are also able to advise on any existing arrangements that have not yet been documented.