Details of all assets, owned individually and jointly, located in Australia and/or overseas, expected inheritances, joint assets and sole assets. For example, real estate, shares, bank accounts, personal effects.
Details of any interest that you have in any Family Trust, Unit Trust, Self-Managed Superannuation Fund, Company, Business, Partnership, Superannuation and Life Insurance Policy.
What are your wishes for your new will?(Required)
Please include the following: Preferred Executor Full Name, Preferred Executor Date of Birth, Preferred Executor Address, Substitute Executor Full Name, Substitute Executor Date of Birth, Substitute Executor Address
Details of your wishes:(Required)
For example: Specific Gifts (cash, jewelry, artwork etc), Funeral requests, Guardians of minor children, Right of residence
Distribution of Estate
Do you want a Testamentary Trust? If so, please specify the Trustee, Beneficiary, Purpose and Term.