Fixed Price Wills
We understand that preparing your Will and other related estate planning documents can be a stressful exercise and that knowing that you have experienced lawyers assisting you through this process will make it much easier and less stressful for you. Bowen Buchbinder Vilensky Lawyers provide peace of mind with fixed price Wills in Perth. We are the first law firm in Perth to adopt fixed pricing.
You are entitled to not only know what estate planning advice and documents are to be provided to you, but also what will this cost you and if those costs are fair and reasonable.

Fixed Pricing
We do not bill by the hour
Moreover, you are entitled to know what these costs will be before you commit yourself to instructing us to provide the advice to you, and to prepare the necessary documents for you. See how our Wills & Estate Lawyers in Perth can help you.
Will Lawyer Perth
Our goal is to assist you by providing fixed price Wills in Perth, appropriate considered advice, and well-prepared documents for a fair and reasonable price. In other words, we aim to provide you with good value for money with our Wills & Estate Lawyers in Perth.
Unlike most law firms, we do not charge by the hour but rather we provide our services on fixed prices generally agreed to with our clients in advance of the work being undertaken by us. Our experience has taught us that clients dislike the regime of billing by the hour because it results in uncertainty and promotes inefficiency.
Our fixed-price model is not an estimate: there are no hidden charges and no additional costs for time spent talking on the phone, emailing, or writing, conducting the necessary research to properly advise you or any of the many things that happen in taking your instructions, providing you with advice in relation to your estate planning objectives or business succession objectives and preparing the required documents for you. It includes all incidental expenses such as telephone calls, postage charges and copying. The fixed price does not, however, include GST or out of pocket expenses that we incur on your behalf such as ASIC search fees, Landgate registration fees, couriers etc, which (if incurred at all) we pass on at no profit.
Leslie Buchbinder
Our value pricing model allows us to provide you with a fixed price for us to provide you with estate planning advice and prepare your estate planning documents which is based on the value which we will provide to you rather than based on the time it takes for us to complete the work for you. With value pricing the price is agreed to and fixed at the outset based on the benefits provided to you rather than variable costs of production.
Our fixed price value model provides several benefits to you including;
- Certainty of cost – there are no surprises;
- A comfortable and efficient process;
- Improved communication and collaboration as there are no fears that such collaboration will incur increased costs;
- A more efficient service delivery
We are happy to provide you with a fixed price proposal to:
- advise you regarding your estate planning objectives;
- prepare all your Estate Planning documents;
- assist you with making an application to the Supreme Court of Western Australia Probate Registry for a Grant of Probate or for a Grant of Letters of Administration;
- assist you with deceased Estate administration; and
- advise and represent you in relation to contesting a Will or other estate litigation matter.
We provide resources about Wills & Estates:
Begin your Estate Planning now with our no obligation online tool.